Friday, January 20, 2017

Friday, January 20, 2016

If you would like to meet with Mrs. Flynn and Mrs. Voinovich for a conference, please email Mrs. Voinovich and she will send you a signupgenius link for Tuesday, February 2nd or Thursday,
February 7th.
Learning Targets and Activities for week of:  1/23-1/27
Students took a mini summative this week using Google Classroom. You will see their test score in gradebook titled- The Escape. Next week, we will be reviewing skills to take a summative Thursday, January 26th. This will be a paper/pencil test.:) The skills we are reviewing are: text structure, cause/effect using nonfiction texts and summary, theme, poetry, prose, and dramas in fiction text.

I received all students biography book choices. Please encourage your child to start their reading. We will talk more next week about taking notes, writing their speech and managing their time for this project.  It will be due February 23rd. Information was sent home last week with your child and via email. Feel free to contact me with any questions.

Homework: Read for 20 minutes each night.
Biography book due February 23rd
This week we discussed convincing our audience using strong reasons, why their reasons were strong, and using details to explain or prove your thoughts.  Students brainstormed ideas they would want to use to persuade their audience. Next week, we will be using a graphic organizer to start our persuasive letters and discussing persuasive word choices.
Word Study
Word Study Skill: w or /w/ before the vowel

Word Study HW: Due Wednesday, February 1,2017
Word Study Test: Thursday, February 2,2017

Vocabulary Homework: Due Thursday, February 2,2017
We are continuing our study of fractions. We will be working on decomposing, comparing, ordering, and adding and subtracting like denominators.

Homework Due: Friday, 1/27
Content Areas
Social Studies -
We are continuing to discuss the causes and effects of the Revolutionary War, and then the War of 1812. In about 2 weeks, we will begin science again studying Ecosystems.

Show Choir information for Grades 3-6 from Mrs. Dixon, AHS teacher:
I am excited to announce that Emerald Ensemble will be hosting a show choir workshop for students in grades 3-6 on February 25! Students will be working with amazing high school students and will learn vocal parts and choreography. The workshop will end with a performance for families, showcasing all they learned that morning. This is a great experience for anyone who likes singing and dancing and wants some experience on the big stage!!

Valentine’s Day
Also, Valentine’s Day will be here before we know it. Please see the attached class list for Valentine cards. Also, please send in a shoe box. We will be making our Valentine boxes here at school. If you have any decorations you would like to donate to the class (foam hearts, stickers, etc.) we would love to have them!

Service Project! Please read below from Mrs. Troman:
Research shows that students who have opportunities to engage in service learning, and who are provided the supports they need to plan and engage in authentic and meaningful projects that help their community, gain important experiences for future application. Collaboration, perseverance, determination, efficacy, and empathy are all valuable skills students need to be successful in the classroom and beyond. And so, once upon a time, two young ladies set out to plan a program to allow all of the fair maidens in the district to feel like royalty. “Dress Project Foundation” is a program designed and created by Eva Logan and Hailey Kulawiak, two Leighton students, to help support students with the Princess Prom on March 11, 2017. The girls realized that there may be families in Aurora that need a little extra help due to life circumstances, and they didn’t want any of their classmates or fellow Aurora students to be left out of such a special experience as the Princess Prom. Their idea is to collect gently used dresses, shoes and hair accessories that can then be shared with girls who need them. A Princess Prom collection bin will be located at the entrance of Craddock and Miller Elementary schools for the dresses and accessories. If you’re interested in making a monetary donation, please send it into school Attn: Tami Mazzella, School Counselor. These monetary donations will be used for dry-cleaning the dresses and helping with student admittance fees (if necessary). We are looking for kid sizes 5 – 14/16 in the donated dresses. Collection bins will be available beginning January 30th – February 17th at each school. If you have questions, please contact Eva at or Hailey at . We know that this event will not only provide many wonderful, lasting memories for the children who attend, but also that Eva and Hailey will always remember the impact they had on a grateful community of princesses and their knights in shining armor.

**Help out the Aurora PTO at Guys Pizza:
Help raise money for the ACS Elementary PTO! Dine in, take out or call for delivery* at Guys Pizza in Aurora (242 E. Garfield Road) any time on Wednesday, January 25th and a portion of the proceeds will go to the Aurora Elementary Schools PTO. *Be sure to mention Aurora Schools Elementary PTO when you order!

Reminders & Important Information

Important Dates:
Conferences 2/2 and 2/9
Class pictures-2/9
Valentine’s Day Party-2/10
No School-2/17 and 2/20

Dad and Donuts-3/8

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