Sunday, February 5, 2017

Februrary 5, 2017

As we approach Valentine’s Day, we are focusing on the value of friendship. Friendship is about listening, understanding, and much more. Friendships also change throughout the years, and it’s important for children to understand that it is normal and okay for that to happen. Next week, we will be doing Secret Pal activities and will reveal our pals on Friday after our party! See attached for activities listed for each day!
Learning Targets and Activities for week of:  2/6-2/10
This week we will be comparing and contrasting two different texts. Students will be discovering similarities and differences between the topics, themes, and events in the texts

On Wednesday, please have your child bring in their notes from their biography report. I would like to see their progress and give them any help they might need. They will also have time to work on this in class.

Homework: Read for 20 minutes each night.
Biography book due February 23rd
Students are working hard on their persuasive letters. We focused on hooking the reading into our letter, stating the issue, and then our opinion and reasons in the first paragraph. This week students will work on their body paragraphs that will include their reasons, evidence, and persuasive words.
Word Study
Word Study Skill: er, ir, ur

Word Study HW: Due Wednesday, February 15,2017
Word Study Test: Thursday, February 16,2017

Vocabulary Homework: Due Thursday, February 16,2017
Are fractions and decimals the same thing? This is a great discussion to have with your child at home. Listen to them and share ideas. Please continue counting in the car, getting ready to go somewhere and any other pockets of time you have. Some ideas are to count by random fractions up and down. Example: ⅘, 5/5= 1, 6/5= 1 and ⅕, etc. Then go backwards: 22/3 = 7 and ⅓, 21/3 = 7, 20/3, etc. The math hw this week is a game called “Racing Fractions”. Please have your child practice at home and discuss equivalent fractions, ordering fractions, etc. We will be focusing on fractions and decimals for about another week and as I see students are ready to take summatives, I will be randoming giving them. Study guides will go home for the unit summative at the end of next week. We also have been integrating geometry with our calendar. Students have been introduced on how to use a protractor to measure acute, right, and obtuse angles.

Homework Due: Friday, 2/10
Content Areas
Social Studies/Science -
On Monday, students will begin a lab on creating pop bottle ecosystems and will make observations throughout the next few weeks. We will be focusing on science M,W,F and continue social studies on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We continue to focus on the War of 1812 and then move into transportation.

Testing Information:
*Your child will need working headphones/earbuds.
Ohio Online Practice Test:
We are using the above site in class to prepare students on how to use the tools given on the state test such as the masking features, drag and drop, etc. It is a good idea to do this at home to increase familiarity. is a great site to assist students with their typing skills.

*We are still in need of empty 2 Liter pop bottles with the caps on. Please feel free to send in as many as you may have!

Valentine’s Day
Also, Valentine’s Day will be here before we know it. Class lists for Valentine cards went home last week. Also, please send in a shoe box. We will be making our Valentine boxes here at school. If you have any decorations you would like to donate to the class (foam hearts, stickers, etc.) we would love to have them!

Reminders & Important Information

Important Dates:
Conferences - 2/9 (Please email Mrs. Voinovich if you would like a time slot)
Class pictures-2/9
Valentine’s Day Party-2/10
No School-2/17 and 2/20
Dad and Donuts-3/8

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